Festivals Dates & Workshop Offerings

group of people near bonfire near trees during nighttime

Workshop Offerings

a group of people raising their hands in the air

A Tantric Life

Explore the meaning of what living life to the fullest means to you... never quite knowing how much time you have left, only deciding how and who you would like to spend it with! 

man in gray quarter-sleeved shirt singing

The Celebrity Circle

Celebrate your inner celebrity! Or is it your inner narcissist? Embody your Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Johnny Depp or anyone else you have always dreamed of being. You decide. Whatever you do you´ll always be loved by your biggest, loudest, most adoring fans!

person performing heart hand gesture

Psycho Celebration

Imagine what it would be like to unashamedly embody the energy of your Inner Psycho, while being whole heartedly encouraged by your loyal legion of psycho family and friends! 

selective focus photography of black goat lying on grass during daytime

The Scapegoat

In a world where we are seemingly small, insignificant, and powereless we look outside for someone or something to blame and punish. So we bring back the ancient ritual of the Scapegoat. Note that no actual live goats are harmed in this ritual! 

Crazy chef screaming and attacking with her weapons knife and chopping knide between smoke and fog

Mother! Mother! Let me Go!

Our first relationship is with our Mother. This relationship often defines all of our future relationships with women-consciously and subconsciously. If this relationship is unhealthy from growing up with a Devouring Mother then we end up shameful, insecure, resentful, even hateful and punishing of women, especially those we are in close intimate relationships with. Let´s cut the cords of this relationship dynamic, break the old paradigms and patterns, and create new healthy, boundaried relationships with our mother within and all the women in our lives.

Silhouette of a man in a dark tunnel

Father! Father! Where Are You?

Our first relationship with men is with our Father. This relationhip defines all our relationships with other men. Today, over 50% of children are raised in single parent families with an absent or inconsistent, unreliable father or prmary male role model. This unhealthy dynamic leads to mistrust, fear, hyper-independence, insecurity and detachment in all our subsequent relationships with other men we come across in our lives. Let´s heal and transform this trounbling relationship dynamic and reconnect to our healthy, present, loving father within.

man singing on the stage

The Good Fight

Fighting is BAD! That´s what we´re continually told when since the time we are small children. So what do we do when we learn that we can no longer fight to protect, defend, or protest what is unjust, unfair, harmful, abusive, and even evil? When is the time for us to connect to our Warrior? Rise up against tyranny, abuse, and injustice and fight The Good Fight!  

portrait photography of woman with face paint


woman in red lingerie singing

The Art of Erotic Punishment

masked girl made up for halloween horror

A Tantric Horror Show

gray puja mandir altar on dark background

Into the Darkness

Exploring and honouring the Dark Masculine and the Dark Feminine Archetypes within us all.

Nude on black background

Lingham and Yoni Honoring Puja