The Story of Conscious Wolf

Bodhi Michael

Alchemist, mystic, pilgrim, coach, guide, facilitator, teacher & healer specialising in conscious masculine and feminine empowerment, embodied shadow work, individuation, & overcoming childhood trauma. I offer individual, couple, & group sessions, on-line and in person, together with events, workshops & retreats worldwide.

The Origins of Conscious Wolf

After years of study and healing to overcome my own challenges of anxiety, stress, fear and depression, stemming from childhood abuse, I have been on a journey of exploration and discovery of how to consciously Know my Self and connect with myself and others in personal, professional, community, and societal spaces and relationships.

As a trauma survivor, I have been on a path of immense self discovery, understanding and healing for much of my life. This journey, spanning over 30 years, began with my education and careers in history, outdoor tourism management, teaching ESL, non-profit event organizer, and for almost 15 years as a paramedic in emergency medical services.

More recently my path has led me to various conventional and alternative healing therapies, rituals, ceremonies, workshops, retreats, and pilgrimages to sacred sites throughout the world where I had many intense and powerful mystical healing experiences in both the physical and spiritual worlds. This brought me to exploring and learning about more diverse esoteric teachings and practical, embodied skills for living consciously and harmoniously with myself and others in our present reality.

It was from out of this primordial soup that Conscious Wolf was born- A new entity, a unique form arising from the twilight out of the Atlantic Ocean-first appearing on the Red Mountain in Tenerife. A mythical creatrue, a hero of infinite abilities and energies woven from the natural and archetypal female qualties of the wolf-Wild, fierce, cunning, free, instinctive, emotional, sensitive, and unpredicable- a primal creature of the dark subconscious, running with her  pack through the night, howling at the full moon...Integrated with the archetypal masculine qualties of pure conscious being...I AM-Clear, cool, distant, boundaried, direct.  principled, organized, logical, structured, mental, self aware, straight forward, unperterbed and unaffected-the highest ideal of Self and of the light.

Embodying the essence and qualties of  Conscious Wolf, embedded with the insights and wisdom of my past life  experiences, I will guide you on your own path towards self-discovery, personal development, and transformation. Working together using modern understandings of the modalities of Jungian psychology,  somatic coaching. trauma theory, breathwork, bodywork, tantra, shamanism, conscious kink and more you are invited to access. open, connect, release, process and integrate different parts of yourself. As we travel on the road of self-discovery and self-awareness, you will learn to identify and break through old limiting beliefs, patterns, and programs. This leads to greater creativity, expression, passion, freedom, joy, spaciousness and ultimately wholeness in yourself.

I am here to encourage, teach, facilitate and assist you through all aspects of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual journey by offeringg the following services:

  • A supportive, non-dual, wholistic coaching approach that includes Jungian psychology, shadow work, somatic and emotional release techniques with nervous system regulation.
  • Yoga, breathwork, body dearmouring, massage, ecstatic dance, plant medicine, and meditation.
  • Tantra and conscious sexuality workshops that include elements of shamanism, alchemy, bdsm, and kink designed to meet your unique, individual needs and desires.

Unleash Your Conscious Wolf

Like a wolf, you have the strength, resilience, and instincts to thrive in any situation.  Connect to your inner wolf with awarness and presence to unleash your full creative, energetic, and sexual potential with clarity, structure and potency. Whether you're looking to improve your relationships, advance in your career, or become the wholest, most authenic version of yourself, I am here to support you every step of the way. Step into your most whole, authentic, emancipated self, purse your sacred life mission, and develop and share your unique gifts in service to the world. Don't let fear, doubt, or self-limiting beliefs hold you back any longer. Join the Wolfpack!